Module 3 – Building and integrating a sustainable brand


In order of appearance

Philip Kotler - Marketing 3.0

Joss Ford - Millennials Are Paving The Way For Sustainability 

The US Association of National Advertisers - Theory of Brand Culture

McKinsey - From principle to practice, making stakeholder capitalism work

Harvard Business Review - Walk the talk of Stakeholder Capitalism 

Liz Whitaker - The Power of Personal - Identifying and Analyzing Stakeholders and Their Interests

White Marble Consulting - Key attributes of an ESG market leader 

UN Global Compact  

Stakeholder Analysis: Winning Support for Your Projects

Twink Feild, Jackie Boylan and Curt Custard - Stakeholder management, impact & influence 

The Embedding Project - Storytelling for Sustainability 

Cathy Banks - Success Tips With Senior Stakeholders 

Investopedia - What Is a Fiduciary?

The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance - ESG and Fiduciary Duties: A Roadmap for the US Capital Market

Majory Glover and Joseph Denker - Pension plans pressured over ESG investments 

Susan Gary - Best Interests in the Long Term: Fiduciary Duties and ESG Integration

EFMA Stewardship Code 

The Value Reporting Foundation - Resources Overview - The Value Reporting Foundation - Gender pay gap reporting | Equality and Human Rights Commission

Giat Rao - Companies say they want to close the gender-pay gap. So why are they trying to block relevant disclosures to investors?


PRI - Reporting & Assessment 

PRI - Reporting Framework 

Equality and Huan Rights Commission - Reporting requirements in the UK

Greenhouse Gas Protocol 

Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials 

GRI - A Short Introduction to the GRI Standards 


Capitals Coalition - Natural Capital Protocol – Capitals Coalition

UN - System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA)


SASB - Materiality Finder Overview