Module 1 – Introduction to the Responsible Investing landscape


In order of appearance

All the resources and readings linked to throughout the module are collated here for easy references - they are listed in the order they appear in the module.

Colin Melvin – ESG – Origin, Purpose & Impact

Arizona State University - The history of sustainability 

R. Edward Freeman – What is stakeholder theory?

MSCI – 2020 ESG Trends – Stakeholders capitalism

Thandie Newton - Nations United: Urgent Solutions for Urgent Times

Tensie Whelan & Carly Fink – The Comprehensive Business Case for Sustainability 

Liam Hynes & Rochelle March ESG Data Signals – Trucost Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Analytics

PRI - Investment consultants services review

McKinsey - Executive summary from the McKinsey Global Institute Climate risk and response report

Rebecca Vogel –  Biodiversity

BBC - Extinction: The Facts

Netflix – Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet

Ellen MacArthur - TedTalk - The suprising thing I learn sailing around the world 

Elisa Magistrali - ESG Trends 2021 – Circular Economy

Ellen MacArthur Foundation website

Rebecca Vogel – The Transition to Net Zero

Stern, H.H. (2006). The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review

Carolyn Symon - Climate change: Action trends and implications for business

World Economic Forum - Shaping the Future of Global Public Goods

UN- UN World Water Development Report 2019 | UN-Water

UN- Convention on biological diversity

World Forum on Natural Capital - What is natural capital?

IUCN - Biodiversity for Business

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - Climate Change and Land

IPBES - 2019 Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

WHO - Newsroom

Ellen Macarthur Foundation - Completing the picture: How the circular economy tackles climate change

Julian Birkinshaw - How is technological change affecting the nature of the corporation

Elisa Magistrali – Social Equality

Kathy Caprino – How the pandemic is negatively impacting women more than men, and what has to change

UNESCO – Covid-19 school closures around the world will hit girls hardest

Elisa Magistrali – Grey is the new black

Reasons to be Cheerful podcast. Episode 175. LIVE LONG AND PROSPER: learning from the world’s longevity hotspots  

Rebecca Vogel – Human Capital Management

Michael Green Ted Talk: How can we make the world a better place by 2030?

Bianca Forbes & Cole Miller 8 Reasons why Diversity and Inclusion are essential to business success

Brian Keeley - Income Inequality

OECD Statistics

The World Bank - The Human Capital Project: Frequently Asked Questions

Hester Holtland & Anke Höften - Dutch Pension Funds and Forced Labour Speak up

Claudia F - What Is Consumer Protection? – Product Liability, Laws & Rights

Nicholas Epley & Amit Kumar - How to Design an Ethical Organization 

David Carter, Betty Simkins & Gary Simpson - Corporate governance, board diversity, and firm value

Gennaro Bernile, Vineet Bhagwat & Scott Yonker - Board diversity, firm risk, and corporate policies